Nourishing the Soul: A Guide to Mindful Eating in the Hustle and Bustle

Nourishing the Soul: A Guide to Mindful Eating in the Hustle and Bustle blog image

Starting and scaling my business has been an absolute WILD ride that has created a laundry list of demands (all-good ones, of course) that require my full brain power, presence, and intention.

Entrepreneurship is a SPIRITUAL assignment and one that required me to get my habits in-line – including, my relationship with food. If I wish to operate at my best, I need to NOURISH myself mindfully. It's taken me a few years of experimentation, but I'm excited to share what's working. I trust the guidance below will help you too, whether you a business owner, working in corporate, or a busy mom.

Mindful eating has transformed my life, my business, my energy, and has improved my ability to SLOW down and savor my meals more thoroughly.

Seek out: The Food Therapist

Before you feel like you must change something, I encourage you to read “The Food Therapist” by Shira Lenchewski, MS.RD. This easy-to-read book helps you identify the emotional baggage you carry concerning your relationship with food.

My main learnings (they will be different for you) were that I used food as a reward and an emotional crutch. This mentality was so problematic because I was basing my nourishment on purely emotion and external happenings.

Taking a pause to understand the underlying causes of your behavior will help you course-correct and foster a healthier relationship with food.

With that said, I strongly disagree with the fact that food is SOLELY for function and nourishment. I loveeee a tasty meal, treat, coffee, because it feels good! Food serves as both nourishment and pleasure, and finding the appropriate balance is key to mindful eating.

Maintain Harmony

If you are a busy woman, you know that maintaining harmony in your body is SO critical. Feeling sluggish in the afternoon because you are crashing from too many coffees, or feeling bloated from a gluten rich meal is NOT ideal. It puts your body on overdrive to bring yourself back to an equilibrium and distracts you from the things that really matter.

DISCLAIMER: This is not to say that you shouldn’t indulge in gluten or other things-- just take a moment to be cognizant of WHEN you consume these things, so you maintain harmony as much as possible.

For me, this looks like maintaining these non-negotiables when I know I want to be on my “a-game”:

  • Enjoying 1-2 cups of coffee (before Noon)
  • Having my probiotica BEFORE my first bite
  • Avoiding gluten at home but enjoying in moderation when I eat out 1-2x a week

Create a list like this for yourself and keep it in mind so you can be mindful when you indulge!

Plan Ahead!

This is a big one in your mindful eating journey. I recommend starting with JOY first; go find yourself a cute journal that you will really look forward to using. And – more importantly use it! Pick a day of the week and plan out your meals and stick to it as much as possible. You don’t have to be EXACT in which days you eat what but knowing what you want to have for breakfast, what days you can cook (or not) and when you may have a happy hour, help you be intentional.

I have done this exercise for years and it only requires a 10-minute planning session on Sunday nights. While it seems counterintuitive, planning gives me SO much agency and food-freedom because I get to decide what I want before my obligations and fluctuating moods decide for me.

While planning seems sort of obvious, it’s SO underrated! I’ve had many conversations where I feel like a ‘type-a’ crazy person when I share our weekly meal planning ritual. BUT this I know for sure: it WORKS. We eat more consciously, and it gives us a plan in the grocery store so we don’t shop with our eyes or hungry bellies. 

Develop a SOLID Breakfast Rotation

You know that scene in cartoons where they cut to the main characters’ closet and its literally ALL the same clothes (lol at Spongebob, IYKYK), well, they might be onto something…

I’m definitely not suggesting eating the same exact thing every day BUT, it helps if you give yourself 3 SOLID (healthy, protein-forward, enjoyable and easily customizable) options for breakfast.

Saving yourself from decision fatigue early in the day is not a novel concept. It’s this next step that makes it unique and keeps you enjoying your meals: find sauces, toppings, garnishes and VARY the fruit or sides. Doing this maintains the playfulness in putting together your meals so you can find joy in the rotation and experience. 


Making eating an experience everyday can elevate your wellbeing with very minimal effort. Here are some of my favorite ways to find joy and playfulness in the process without adding new things to my plate.

  • Romanticize Grocery Shopping like your favorite influencer –
    Establish a day when its less crowded so you can savor the experience of picking out your goodies. Pick out a NEW item that you’ve never seen or cooked with and add it to your cart!
  • Invoke your senses
    A full sensory experience is soo important not only for pleasure but most importantly, for the beneficial physiological impacts on how your body converts and receives nutrition out of the food you consume. Here are some quick tips for each sense:
    • Touch - handle your food, eat with your hands, don’t buy pre-cut veggies and instead cut/peel them yourself
    • Smell – close your eyes and SMELL the aromas
    • Sight - admire the beauty of fruits and veggies! I am in constantly in AWE that our food originates from the DIRT! Seeing a pomegranate and knowing it came from the DIRT blows my mind
    • Taste – even if you don’t have time to eat every bite slowly, do yourself a favor and AT LEAST try this: Eat your first bite as SLOWLY as you can. Find joy in the abundance of textures and flavors. Try identifying all the ingredients and seasonings. Be a SOMMELIER of your meals even just for the first bite.
    • Sound – Listen to the sizzle of the pan while you cook, OR light a crackling candle to set the mood for your meal.
  • Plating & Table Setting
    Plate your food with care and love. Find some favorite bowls, mugs, spoons that really bring you joy and use them! Don’t save plating and table setting only for nice occasions. Your life IS the occasion!

Nourishing the Soul

Throughout this post, we've delved into the art of mindful nourishment, from understanding emotional connections to food to planning meals with joy and purpose. For busy women managing the whirlwind of responsibilities, I trust you now feel equipped to weave mindfulness into your daily nourishment routine.

Let's celebrate the art of mindful eating together – a journey filled with intention, joy, and the nourishment your body and soul truly deserve. Join our newsletter, State of Play for more inspiration and guidance on creating mindful moments in the midst of life's busyness. Here's to your continued well-being and the soulful feasts that await you!

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