How to Get Unstuck, Fast

How to Get Unstuck, Fast Blog Image

I'm writing this post for both you and myself as a form of therapeutic journaling.

You see, many of us have a natural inclination towards DOING, FIXING, and OVERTHINKING. It's our modus operandi when faced with challenges.

Ironically though, it's precisely this tendency that we need to avoid when we find ourselves in a state of feeling stuck. When we desperately try to fix everything, the universe senses our anxiety, and the magical support is withheld.

If the only thing you take away is this, I will have done my job: the "FIX" will find you – STOP TRYING.

SO, as I battle my own urges to fix everything with a false sense of belief that I’m in control, I write these tips as they have helped me tremendously as my emotions are running high (its currently PCS matching season, IYKYK)…

Feel free to pick one or try them all but do give them a chance. I assure you that every time I've felt the pangs of desperation and frustration, these tips have guided me towards a sense of ease and the universe has rewarded me with a little sign that I'm on the right path.

Nap for Your Sanity

If you can’t shut off your inner-chatter and you are running through your to-do’s and knocking things off OR you are simply staring at your computer without a plan, please just put yourself down for a nap. AND - do yourself a favor: don’t set an alarm. Just let your body rest.

P.S. It also does not need to be a power nap. You are allowed to be away from your work and things in the middle of the day or when you need a mental break longer than the 10-20 min….. Nothing will happen to you if you nap longer than that.

In fact, some people you are waiting to hear back from may even reply!

It’s the law of attraction – when you tell the universe: “I’m good right now, I’m going to rest, and you can do your magic”. It will not fail you!

You simply must trust in the power of a proper juicy nap.

Pick One Thing

A common symptom of being stuck can be an immense feeling of mental paralysis. Figuratively, it’s like spinning your wheels repeatedly when you know spinning is not the answer, but you do it anyway because you don’t know what else to do.

When you feel frozen and have resorted to actioning out of desperation (refreshing email every few minutes, for example), try picking ONE thing that you know you must do.

Break that one thing down into many things. Let’s understand this with an example.

Let’s assume you have to move—and the overwhelm of packing, transportation, grief, bittersweet feels, and oh by the way, your work and family responsibilities has gotten you in a tizzy.

Start with the 1 easiest task, and then break that task down and ONLY do that 1 thing right now.

It could be as simple as folding the laundry, and while it seems entirely unrelated, it still is giving you low-hanging traction to get out quicksand of inertia.

Cleanse Away Desperate Energy - like, NOW.

This has quickly become one of my favorite affirmations ever. It feels like a steadfast mantra that resonates in pretty much every aspect of life. This tip is the hardest to implement but requires none other than sheer willpower – which we know you have lots of!

Here's the catch: you are literally the ONLY person that can change your own perspective and thoughts.

The good news is that you have the power to change your POV – how empowering!

The bad news is that the responsibility lies solely with you. You must genuinely want to get unstuck to make it happen. This isn't bad news at all; it's an invitation for a heartfelt conversation with yourself.

Consider taking a relaxing bath, working up a sweat, listening to a motivating talk, or indulging in a calming meditation to get rid of that desperate energy - you don't want it hanging around.

Articulate Your Needs

Did you know that there are 87 human emotions? Identifying the specific emotion you're experiencing can help you articulate your needs more precisely. If you're struggling with this, consider referring to Brene Brown's book, "Atlas of the Heart" for guidance.

Once you've identified your emotion, think about its antonym.

For instance, if you're feeling stuck, it might be because you're experiencing grief or a sense of bittersweetness. The antonym of grief might be joy or hope – which will be what you should focus on acquiring more of to relieve your stuck feeling.

Take time to sit quietly with yourself, either through meditation or simple self-reflection, and allow ideas that are joyful to surface. This practice becomes even more effective when you engage multiple senses, -- such as adding a joyful aromatherapy blend, an uplifting playlist or all the above.

Your Guiding Light: Rest over Relentless Action

In this journey to uncover the path to freedom from feeling stuck, you've learned that sometimes, the most potent solutions are those that encourage rest over relentless action. We've explored the therapeutic magic of a nap, the art of picking one thing, the cleansing of desperate energy, and the power of articulating your needs. These are not just tips but beacons of hope, guiding you through the labyrinth of frustration and confusion.

The promise of this post is simple yet profound: by applying these personally verified solutions, you can find the ease and clarity you need to overcome your struggles. It's about allowing the universe to work its magic when you release the desperate grip of control.

As you move forward, I encourage you to take these lessons to heart. Remember that the journey to freedom is one of self-compassion and patience. You are not alone in your pursuit of clarity and liberation from feeling stuck. With each small step you take, you draw closer to your aspirations.

To continue this path, you should explore the incredible world of aromatherapy as a tool to further enhance your well-being. I invite you to download our free aromatherapy candle pairing guide or check out some of our favorite guided meditations. It's a gift from me to you, a token of my commitment to supporting you in your quest for a more restful and intentional existence.



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